The Glad Game (UK) is Phoebe Frances Brown’s story; the story of finding yourself in the darkest moments, about leaning on those who love you and finding reasons everywhere to be glad. Phoebe sadly passed at age 29 in April 2022. Concord Theatricals is proud to publish the play in Phoebe’s memory, on behalf of her family.
From childhood, acting defined Phoebe’s life and work. In her autobiographical play, set in 2018, Phoebe is a 26-year-old actor working in London – auditioning for television, filming feminist comedy sketches and acting onstage. But in November, doctors discover an incurable tumour in her brain that will severely affect her speech and memory, the “two very basic things” required to act.
Below are the forewords written by three people who dearly love Phoebe.
My fabulous daughter, Phoebe Frances Brown, aka Phoebe F***ing Brown, is the most inspirational, humorous, and highly talented person I’ve ever known (I’m biased, but it’s true!).
She was a very independent and quietly determined little girl, and even as a toddler was totally self-driven and positive. She took control, organised her friends and cousins and led them into playing her games and performing plays, without them really knowing what they’d let themselves into. She was fun to be around, entertained everyone and enjoyed company. She was popular. A unique, wonderfully brave and determined human, who accepted her illness with hope and used it to live her life to the full.
This play is her realisation and acceptance of her future… her way of dealing with that knowledge. It’s harsh, raw and not an easy read; it is, however, characteristically side-splittingly funny at times. Life is cruel and unfair, but Phoebe’s talent was to articulate her thoughts and feelings in her own unique way. The Glad Game is a guide, a self help manual and a lifeline for those left in a world without Phoebe F***ing Brown. It breaks my heart, but also fills it with so much love.
Gail Brown
We’re glad because…
We had the opportunity to work on this brilliant play with the amazing Phoebe Frances Brown. We saw the impact of The Glad Game on audiences, on Phoebe’s friends and family and perhaps most importantly on Phoebe herself. She channeled so honestly into the play all her frustrations and fears but also all her light and her humour. The Glad Game is a brilliant piece of writing; heartfelt, honest and unique. Even though this piece is an autobiography, and an incredibly personal journey through an extraordinary experience, like all good stories it is universal and like all good plays it deserves to be brought to life again.
We hope that The Glad Game will be reimagined, shared with new audiences, its words read by other actors, directed by other directors, produced by other producers. It’s what good plays need and it’s what they deserve. This does not need to be your story to perform it. So please, make another production of it and make it your own, speak Phoebe’s words, let it live on in new and exciting ways. Phoebe would absolutely love it.
Tessa Walker and Pippa Frith – Director and Producer of The Glad Game
To purchase the script or license a production of Phoebe Frances Brown’s The Glad Game, visit Concord Theatricals in the UK.

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