The Show:
Monster Makers
Stephen Dolginoff
What it’s all about:
Three mini-musicals each take a glimpse at a behind the scenes moment of some of history’s most iconic horror films. The first pits German expressionist director FW Murnau in a lawsuit with the estate of Bram Stoker over his newest film, Nosferatu. The second follows the creation of Jack Pierce’s laborious makeup design for Frankenstein, famously worn by Boris Karloff. But the design wasn’t exactly in the director’s vision. The third shows the decline of British horror film company Hammer Films. Acclaimed actor Peter Cushing shows what it truly means to be a Monster Maker.
Why you should do this musical:
Each scene is set to be designed similar to the style of the films they are depicting. In essence you get to produce three musicals all in one! There is an obvious appeal for this show during Halloween, but this show could easily be billed alongside iconic film screenings. There is just as much appeal for cinefiles as there are to Horror Fans.
Though the cast is listed at five it can expand to as many as fifteen.
A bit extra:
Not as familiar with the horror films starring Peter Cushing? Check out the sequel (actually the 7th in a series of 9) of Hammer Films’ Dracula.
To purchase a copy of Monster Makers, click here, and to learn more about licensing a production, click here.

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