Concord Theatricals is proud to represent plays by Black authors that grapple with current themes and the history of the Black community. Check out a selection of these titles below, or continue to explore on our website.
Amen Corner by James Baldwin
Bella: An American Tall Tale by Kirsten Childs
Blacktop Sky by Christina Anderson
Blood at the Root by Dominique Morisseau
Blues for Mister Charlie by James Baldwin
Bulrusher by Eisa Davis
Clarity by Korde Arrington Tuttle
Colored People’s Time by Leslie Lee
Detroit ’67 by Dominique Morisseau
Don’t Bother Me, I Can’t Cope by Micki Grant, Vinnette Carroll
Dot by Colman Domingo
Facing Our Truth: 10 Minute Plays on Trayvon, Race and Privilege by Quetzal Flores, Marcus Gardley, Tala Manassah, Mona Mansour, Winter Miller, Dominique Morisseau, Dan O’Brien, A. Rey Pamatmat
Fallout (UK) by Roy Williams
Father Comes Home From The Wars, Parts 1, 2 & 3 by Suzan-Lori Parks
From Okra to Greens by Ntozake Shange
Goodnight, Tyler by B.J. Tindal
Half-Breed (UK) by Natasha Marshall
How Black Mothers Say I Love You by Trey Anthony
King Hedley II by August Wilson
The Light by Loy A. Webb
The Luck of the Irish by Kirsten Greenidge
Native Son (Revised) by Paul Green, Richard Wright
The New Black Fest’s Hands Up: 7 Playwrights, 7 Testaments by Dennis A. Allen II, Idris Goodwin, Eric Micha Holmes, Nathan James, Nambi E. Kelley, Nsangou Njikam, Nathan Yungerberg
No. 6 by T.J. Young
Pass Over by Antoinette Nwandu
A Photograph: Lovers in Motion by Ntozake Shange
Purlie Victorious by Ossie Davis
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
The Revolving Cycles Truly and Steadily Roll’d by Jonathan Payne
Shebeen (UK) by Mufaro Makubika
Sing Yer Heart Out For The Lads (UK) by Roy Williams
Single Black Female by Lisa B. Thompson
Smart People by Lydia R. Diamond
A Soldier’s Play by Charles Fuller
Southern Promises by Thomas Bradshaw
Spell #7 by Ntozake Shange
Steal Away by Ramona King
Stick Fly by Lydia R. Diamond
This Bitter Earth by Harrison David Rivers
Through the Night by Daniel Beaty
Wedding Band by Alice Childress
What The Wine Sellers Buy by
Ron Milner
What To Send Up When It Goes Down by Aleshea Harris (You can also visit Aleshea’s resource page)
Whitewash (UK) by Gabriel Bisset-Smith

Pop/Rock Musicals

Women Sharing the Spotlight: Plays Carried by Women