June 7, 2023Sarah Ruhl on Tina Howe Playwright Sarah Ruhl warmly recounts her relationship with her mentor and friend Tina Howe, author of Coastal Disturbances, Painting Churches and the newly published Where Women Go.Authors/Playwrights/
April 28, 2020Some Hopes: Sarah Ruhl on Art in a Time of Crisis “I hope that whatever this gestation brings is better than what came before.” Award-winning playwright Sarah Ruhl shares her thoughts and wishes.Authors/Community/
April 16, 2020A Love Note to Dramaturgs “Dramaturgs are beleaguered. They are bashed, silenced; they are badly paid. And still, they persevere.” Read this love letter to dramaturgs from Sarah Ruhl.Authors/Community/
February 28, 2018Playwright’s Perspective: For Peter Pan Playwright Sarah Ruhl’s personal experience with Peter PanAuthors/
January 9, 2018On Happy Endings In this beautiful, thought-provoking piece, playwright Sarah Ruhl discusses the search for a “happy ending” as well as the eternal plight of women writers who have children sharing their journey with the world.Authors/