November 28, 2017Warrior of Change: The World of Dominique MorisseauIn October 2017, we were proud to honor Dominique Morisseau with the Impact & Activism Award. Don’t miss Kamilah Forbes’ tribute to her here.Community/
October 11, 2017K-Lud, or The Story of Ken Ludwig’s MIDSUMMER/JERSEYLearn about the experience of creating a show with Ken Ludwig at Robinson Secondary School in Fairfax, Virginia. This article is part of our Samuel French Awards Series honoring several playwrights, including Ken Ludwig.Productions/
November 18, 2016An Unrestrained Theatricality of Surprise and Delight: Yale’s James Bundy on Playwright Sarah RuhlWe’re thrilled to share Yale Rep’s James Bundy’s beautiful remarks from the Samuel French Awards. A must read.Authors/
October 20, 2016Kooman & Dimond: A Writing Duo Unlike Any OtherIn this beautiful piece, director John Simpkins describes his experience of working with Kooman & Dimond – and how it was unlike any other writer/director relationship he’s had.Authors/
October 19, 2016Leaving Us in the Light: The Power of Sarah RuhlWhat makes us clamor for Sarah Ruhl’s plays? In this touching essay, Profile Theatre explores why.Authors/
October 19, 2016An Ode to Sarah Ruhl’s EURYDICEHow does the power of EURYDICE affect a high school? Read more in our 2016 Samuel French Awards series.Authors/